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WELCOME TO our Online Video Course for those ready to finally make their power move and propel themselves into a successful career


Tired of settling for entry level positions because you feel like you don’t have enough experience to qualify for the careers you really want?

It’s frustrating needing 3-5 years experience for the field you want to be in but not qualifying for the jobs that’ll give you those years of experience. And now you’re stuck in this ridiculous cycle of needing more experience to get the experience.

In the words of Drake “We started from the bottom…”

But you’re still not there.

You’re still stuck in the same miserable job you’ve been threatening to quit for months and not sure how to break free and get your foot in the door for the career you really want.

What if I told you I could show you how to not only get your foot in the door, but kick it in and position yourself as the perfect candidate for the job?

Well I can and I will. Here’s how-

Power Positioning is an online program that teaches you how to find and land that dream job you’ve been wanting.

In just a few hours you can go from working endless hours at a soul-sucking job with no growth opportunity, poor leadership, and even worse pay-

To working somewhere that appreciates your skill and talents, pays you like the professional you are, and where you’re doing work you actually enjoy.

I mean, does this sound familiar:

You’re at your job, holding in your frustration and annoyance with the work environment.

You’ve been low key scrolling through Indeed on your lunch breaks and telling your friends you’re going to quit any day now (or at least fantasizing about it).

And now you’re staring holes into the clock, wishing it would tick by faster so you can escape.

You know what job you want to be doing

You know you have the skills for it or you’re willing to learn them.

And you know you deserve more than minimum pay and spending your life working a lame job.

But blasting out your resume and crossing your fingers hasn’t been working. You haven’t gotten a call back in days.

I’ll tell you why this is happening.

The truth is, you’ve got some stiff competition.

Did you know that 75 percent of resumes are rejected before they even reach the hiring manager?

And not only that, but only about 5 people out of hundreds of applicants actually land a face-to-face interview.

You’re gonna need more than some basic interview and resume tips and tricks you find on Google.


Introducing Power Positioning

A VIP online course for those ready to stop settling and step into the career and job they really want and deserve.

Power Positioning teaches you how to represent yourself and your value so you stand out from the rest.

It’s time to stop having your resume rejected and getting overlooked.

Never again lose another opportunity because you weren’t prepared.

Power Positioning uses the proprietary 5 Part KICK Job Hunting Framework to quickly get you results.





How are you going to make sure you stand out from the hundreds of other applicants? By identifying your professional DNA. Part 1 walks you through the attributes exercise to help you identify your authentic professional self.




Craft a bio statement you truly believe in, so you’ll stop rambling and confidently answer when an interviewer asks “Tell me a little about yourself.” Here you’ll learn what hiring managers really want to hear and how to position yourself the way a professional should.




A professionally written resume can boost your earning potential by more than 7%. When you have a poorly written resume you’re not only missing out on opportunities, but income too. Here you’ll learn how to leverage the experience you do have no matter how little it seems and construct a resume that sells itself. Ea$y.




A strong LinkedIn profile is a must have. But most people set up their profile and forget about it or even worse, copy and paste their resume onto it. Well, you’re not most people. This phase will show you how to develop a LinkedIn profile that works for you while you sleep and makes hiring managers and recruiters want to engage with you.




It would suck to be rejected for a job because of a Facebook post you made back in 2016, right? I’ll show you how to make sure Google searches don’t undermine the work you do offline and if your results are trash, how to fix it.


The systems and skills taught inside Power Positioning isn’t the average copy and pasted advice you see online and you won’t find these lessons anywhere else but here.


Our framework has been tested over and over with over 50+ clients since opening our doors and I can guarantee it will be successful for you too, when you put in the work.


When you enroll in Power Positioning you’ll get:

  • The Kick Job Hunt Framework: These detailed video lessons walk you through each step of the exclusive Kick Job Hunting Framework so you can find your dream job and nail the application process.

  • Stay Focused worksheets and PDF’s: to help you stay organized and quickly take action

  • Resume Upgrades: 3 professional resume reviews to learn from mistakes others have made and what to do instead

  • Keep it Professional Messaging Scripts: professional interaction scripts so you know exactly what to say when you’re having online conversations and you can engage with hiring managers and recruiters with confidence.

This course is designed to help you finally get that high paying job you’ve been hoping for. your investment for this is only $497 $199!

And an income boosting bonus?

The LinkedIn Mastery video lessons that will teach you how to leverage LinkedIn like a true professional, from setting up a profile that makes you stand out to networking with intention and strategy.

In the honest words of the old Kanye “I ain't play the hand I was dealt, I changed my cards. I prayed to the skies and I changed my stars.

You just need someone to help you out and show you how to do it and luckily for you, you’re in the right place. You have the power to improve your situation. Take action today.

Power Positioning is perfect for people who:

  • Want to switch careers without starting from the bottom.

  • Aren’t confident with their resume and know it’s in need of an update.

  • Are frustrated with applying to job after job and not hearing back from anyone.

  • Need help packaging their experience and skills so they’re presenting themselves as professionals.

  • Need help making their LinkedIn profiles, resume and other application assets professional and application ready.

It’s time to stop stressing about job hunting and start using proven strategies and solutions that have worked for dozens of KICK clients.


But who is this teaching you all this?

My name is Dante and I’ve leveraged my experience gained from switching careers from working as an architect drawing buildings to working in tech as a product manager and created a comprehensive course to help those who want to switch careers or move on to better things but are feeling overwhelmed and under-qualified.

I’ve also taught graduate level courses professionally, and have taken those classroom skills and designed the Power Positioning curriculum to quickly get you the most impactful info you need to get results in the shortest amount of time.

I’ve worked with companies like Nike, The Coca-Cola Company, CVS, Michael Kors, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art so I know exactly what it takes to snag that high profile job you’ve been in pursuit of.

I’ve used these strategies successfully in my own career search and shared this knowledge and seen people just like you go on to develop rewarding careers using the strategies I teach inside of Power Positioning.

Don’t just take my word for it though. After teaching organizational development as a professor at Pratt University this is what my client Deidre has to say:

“I had tried several other coaches during that 2-1/2 years and they all followed the general advice you see in the hundreds of articles on career changing and job hunting.

 Dante's understanding of the current career climate and expectations of companies and institutions is what makes her services a game changer. You won't find a "one size fits all" mentality at KICKINTHADOOR, she recognizes the uniqueness of each individual and situation.

I was having difficulty telling my story in a way that prospective employers could see the value I could bring to them. One conversation with Dante proved to be the catalyst in changing this. 

It took a few months to pivot from my prior methods and recreate my story but within 6 months I had landed my dream job at an amazing company.”

Bottom line, this is for you even if:

  • You’ve struggled with finding a job and spent hours scrolling on Indeed before with no success

  • You’re not sure how to show your experience and skills in a way that’s professional and effective

  • You’re confused by LinkedIn and how to use it strategically

  • You’re in the middle of switching career fields

  • You’re not sure how to make yourself stand out from all the other applicants

Remember when you join this program you get:

  • The 5-Part Kick Job Hunting Framework

  • Stay Focused worksheets and PDF’s

  • 3 Resume Upgrades

  • Pro Convo Messaging Scripts

  • Plus the LinkedIn Mastery video lesson bonus!

Now is the time.

You have a choice in who you work for and it’s time to step up and into the career you truly want. 

Stop waiting for doors to open and KICK IN THA DOOR!


 Learn how to find a job you’ll enjoy with the paycheck to match it. And you won’t have to wait weeks to get started either.

Once you enroll in Power Positioning, you’ll get immediate access to the content so you can complete it in as quick as one weekend.

Imagine, in a few hours you could be confidently applying for the jobs you’ve been wanting knowing you’re now equipped with the tools you need to succeed.


Frequently Asked Questions



The process works when all 5 parts [Attributes, Bio, Resume, LinkedIn and Digital Presence] are evaluated and updated in cohesion as they are all interconnected. The foundational strategy shared in the course informs each aspect of how you position yourself and your professional value. As a result, we do not recommend updating components in isolation and do not offer them separately.



What if I’m in a completely different field than the job I want?

No problem! This program shows you how to position the skills you’ve gained from your previous job as well as leverage your personal skills to position yourself as the candidate they're looking for.



I’m awful at writing resumes. will this help me?

Absolutely! Part 3 shows you how to create a resume worthy of that high earning positioning you’ve been eyeing and where to focus your attention, so you’ll spend your time working on the parts of your resume that matter, and omitting the rest. Even better, once you learn this info, you’ll have it for the rest of your professional career!



What if I change my mind about the job I want later on?

That’s the great thing about this course- if you stay ready, then you never have to scramble to get ready. Power Positioning shows you how to keep a cohesive and consistent personal brand so even if you change your mind on what your dream job looks like later on, you can still come back to this course and use it to help you move on to what you want to do next.



Will this course really be worth the investment?

I wholeheartedly believe that if you put in the work, you’ll see the results and make back your investment. Our clients have made over 20x their initial investment by using our paid tools and resources.



What happens after I enroll?

Once you enroll in Power Positioning you’ll get immediate access to the content. I want you to be able to dive into the course right away so you can start applying for that dream job ASAP. This course can be completed in as short as one weekend. 


We give you the tools, strategy, and lessons you need to make your next big career move, you just need to be courageous and make the commitment to put it in action.

Invest in Power Positioning today and get started on building that new life you know you deserve!

Investment: $497