WELCOME TO our Online Video Course for those ready to finally make their power move and propel themselves into a successful career
Tired of settling for entry level positions because you feel like you don’t have enough experience to qualify for the careers you really want?
It’s frustrating needing 3-5 years experience for the field you want to be in but not qualifying for the jobs that’ll give you those years of experience. And now you’re stuck in this ridiculous cycle of needing more experience to get the experience.
In the words of Drake “We started from the bottom…”
But you’re still not there.
You’re still stuck in the same miserable job you’ve been threatening to quit for months and not sure how to break free and get your foot in the door for the career you really want.
What if I told you I could show you how to not only get your foot in the door, but kick it in and position yourself as the perfect candidate for the job?
Well I can and I will. Here’s how-
Power Positioning is an online program that teaches you how to find and land that dream job you’ve been wanting.
In just a few hours you can go from working endless hours at a soul-sucking job with no growth opportunity, poor leadership, and even worse pay-
To working somewhere that appreciates your skill and talents, pays you like the professional you are, and where you’re doing work you actually enjoy.
I mean, does this sound familiar:
You’re at your job, holding in your frustration and annoyance with the work environment.
You’ve been low key scrolling through Indeed on your lunch breaks and telling your friends you’re going to quit any day now (or at least fantasizing about it).
And now you’re staring holes into the clock, wishing it would tick by faster so you can escape.
You know what job you want to be doing
You know you have the skills for it or you’re willing to learn them.
And you know you deserve more than minimum pay and spending your life working a lame job.
But blasting out your resume and crossing your fingers hasn’t been working. You haven’t gotten a call back in days.
I’ll tell you why this is happening.
The truth is, you’ve got some stiff competition.
Did you know that 75 percent of resumes are rejected before they even reach the hiring manager?
And not only that, but only about 5 people out of hundreds of applicants actually land a face-to-face interview.
You’re gonna need more than some basic interview and resume tips and tricks you find on Google.
Introducing Power Positioning
A VIP online course for those ready to stop settling and step into the career and job they really want and deserve.
Power Positioning teaches you how to represent yourself and your value so you stand out from the rest.
It’s time to stop having your resume rejected and getting overlooked.
Never again lose another opportunity because you weren’t prepared.
Power Positioning uses the proprietary 5 Part KICK Job Hunting Framework to quickly get you results.